Transition Year is a one-year programme between the Junior Certificate examination and the beginning of Leaving Certificate programmes. The Transition Year Programme (TYP) is supported by the Department of Education and Science and fits in with their policy of providing the option of a six-year cycle for all second level students.
The TYP is a broadly-based programme which includes traditional academic subjects, career education, work experience and personal and social development and aims to integrate these activities with a view:-
To provide a learning structure which promotes maturity
To be learning led rather than exam led
To co-operate with all educational partners, particularly parents, in providing a broad and enriching educational experience
To provide learning opportunities through experiences outside the classroom
To develop life skills
To enable students to become independent learners.
The T.Y Curriculum The Transition Year aims to give students an opportunity to consider their future in a year free from undue examination pressure. Instead students are expected to learn because of their interest in the curriculum and for reasons of self-development.