Ireland Reads is a new campaign from Irish libraries, Children’s Books Ireland, NALA, booksellers, publishers and others to get the whole country reading this month in the lead up to Ireland Reads Day on Thursday, the 25th of February. The aim is to get everyone to pledge to ‘squeeze in a read’ on the 25th of February, Ireland Reads Day – whether that’s reading a book, a newspaper, a comic – whatever works. All over the country, libraries and partners will be holding events and activities online in support of Ireland Reads. Wouldn't it be great to get the whole school community involved and pledge to read! It would be great if as many of you as possible can take photos of you, or anyone in your household (including your pets), reading a book and email it to [email protected]
Please visit, where you can let them know how long you’re going to read for. Dublin City Libraries recently subscribed to TeenBookCloud. This is a collection of eBooks and eAudio books aimed at readers aged 11-18 years. It includes graphic novels/comic books, enhanced novels, non-fiction etc. It is free and no login is required. All you need to do is click on this link Let's get everyone in CBC reading Comments are closed.
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