Viewing Leaving Cert. Exam Scripts in CBC 2019
Congratulations on receiving your Leaving Cert. results. They mark the culmination of six years of hard work. You will receive the first round of third level offers from the CAO on Thursday and best of luck with those. If you decide that you want to have a look at any of your exam scripts, you can do so, regardless of the reason, whether you are unhappy with a result, looking to see if you might appeal or just because you are curious about the paper. The process this year is somewhat different from previous years, so here are a few things to bear in mind: In order to register to view your scripts, you must do so through the State Exam Commission website student portal You will have received the login details before the exams in June, but if you have lost those details or you did not register at the time, contact the school office and they will be able to provide you will your information. There is no charge to view a script. If you wish to see one of your scripts, you must register that request online before 5pm this Friday, the 16th. On Saturday, you will receive an email from Mr. O’Neill in CBC who is in charge of organising the viewing process. This email will confirm the exam papers you have asked to see and allocate you one of three viewing sessions. The viewing sessions will place in CBC on Tuesday (5pm to 8pm) and Wednesday (9am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm) next week. Some exam papers will only be available to view online through the SEC: maths, physics, biology, chemistry and politics. There will not be physical copies of these papers to view in the school. During the script viewing, you can bring in a phone, tablet or camera if you wish to make a copy of the paper. You can be accompanied by someone else to view the paper with you, but you must be present to view the papers. Your papers will not be released to anyone else. As the viewing sessions take place either before teaching staff return to work (Tuesday) or are during staff meetings (Wednesday), the school will not be facilitating requests for teachers to be present during viewing. Please do not contact the school office with these requests as they will not be able to help. If you wish to contact a member of staff privately to ask them to be present that is fine. If you have any questions about the process, please contact [email protected] Comments are closed.
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